Asking questions the right way

26 Jan 2023



Human beings are born with the capability to communicate with each other whether in words or actions, written or spoken. Our brain is so complex that we tend to become curious as to what is happening around us, so we ask different types of questions as we mature. We ask questions for us to gain sufficient information regarding something that we do not know and to enhance our knowledge about something.

As a being that is full of questions, I can say that it is not bad to ask questions. It will not make someone look stupid or dumb only if they ask question the proper way. There is a difference between asking a question the smart way or the other way around which will might sound foolish to other people.


As a software engineer or a student in computer science, in order for us to ask a smart question, you should have already exhausted all your effort in finding an answer to your question. It means that you have searched it using a book, your peers, or a search engine for a possible answer. Furthermore, you have started making a draft or in terms of coding, you have already started doing codes and encountered problems that needs further assistance. An example of a smart question that I found in Stack Overflow has a header “How to determine whether the other than() methods can be omitted?.” It clearly states the problem that the person has encountered. When you read the entire post, the codes are explicitly posted and instructions were given. The person asking stated their results and asks for further assistance. Since the question was clear enough, it received a logical answer.


An example of a not smart way of asking question has a header “Calendar React JS.” The post contains words that “I have a homework,” which seems that the person who asked did not do research or have not started doing the task. When you further read the post, there is not enough information given. It states that they need to make a calendar component on React and has to show days like in Windows that starts from Sunday and ends with Saturday. An obvious incomplete code was given which clearly shows that the person asking did not make any progress in doing the task given to them. There was a person who asks for clarification regarding the question. Another answered the question with a sample code for reference.


In conclusion, when asking a question, you should bear in mind the proper way on how to ask and present it to people whether written or oral. The way you present the question would be the same on how you would get an answer. A clear, concise question will get an answer that is full of quality. An incomplete and vague question might sometimes be ignored or get a misleading answer.

Here is a link to Smart question example.

Here is a link to Not a smart question example.